Dimensions 70 x 200 cm

100% cotton


In South Estonia, festive woollen rectangle wrap, worn across one’s shoulders, was the most respectable garment. The most common element of Setu patterns – square – is usually shaped into bigger ornaments. Also, cross-figure is often used as a pattern or as a background. Square developed from a circle that is a symbol of infinity, perfection and universe; it is a symbol of balance – relationship between the heaven and the earth. From the few elements mentioned above and few techniques used a lot of different patterns were derived, showing the talent and creativity of the people. Despite the fact that red occurred the most in other areas as well, Setu embroidery has a lot in common with the Eastern neighbors. However, the motifs are totally different. Red symbolized earth, love, fire, blood and emotionality. Setumaa scarf has the motifs of back-cloth.